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You have sat and thought about it, now lets make it happen. You may have some beautiful words and artwork ready to put into your very own personal affirmation, oracle, divination or tarot deck. 


What is Included:


Upto a 50, 75 or 100 card deck using YOUR OWN artwork and text/wording


  • Up to 50, 75 or 100 individual cards 
  • Placement of artwork and text front and back
  • Zip file with completed drafted card set in the size and specifications ready to print
  • You hold complete copyright and responsibility to any license or permissions (artwork for commercial use or reproduction).
  •  Information on assistance to self publish, promote, sell and distribute. (if you require)


Additional Support:


Bring your design and deck together with 2 x 30 minute video, phone, or message collaboration sessions. This is a pre- and post-design process discussion on style, layout, features, and your expectations.


Expected Deliver:


7 - 10 days  


Important Information:


You provide the artwork and pertinent details. Your ideas and designs are original to you. It is your duty to recognise or respect commercial or noncommercial use if you are utilising "copyright free or royalty free images, or even if you are loving someone else's artwork." For any infringements, we assume no liability and will not accept responsibility.


Our assistance is limited to helping you build a product according to your specifications using the images and information you provide.

Design Your Own Deck



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